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Known Facts (4)
Battle over Endor (2) »
Evacuation of Ciutric (2) »
Horton Salm was a Human male from the planet Norval II in the Calaron sector of the Outer Rim Territories who was a military officer of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and its successor, the New Republic. An accomplished pilot | Alliance Starfighter Corps(Rebel Alliance Navy)OrganizationRebel Alliance Navy | , leader, and training commander, he preferred to fly Koensayr Manufacturing | Koensayr ManufacturingOrganizationManufacturers | BTL Y-wing starfighters | BTL-B Y-WingStarshipStarfighter Models | over newer models, as he felt that the older craft were more reliable and would get him home in one piece. Salm led the Alliance's Gray Squadron | Gray SquadronOrganizationRebel Alliance Navy | at the Battle of Endor | Battle over Endor(Endor Campaign)EventGalactic Civil War | , surviving the run through the second Death Star | Death Star 2StarshipSpace Stations | 's superstructure. Salm continued to command combat units, leading Aggressor Wing | Aggressor WingOrganizationNew Republic | through the Battle of Brentaal IV | Battle of BrentaalEventNew Republic Era | nine months after Endor, an engagement that saw him promoted to the rank of general. Salm later led the Aggressors during the evacuation of Ciutric IV | Evacuation of CiutricEventNew Republic Era | . By 6.5 ABY, Salm was assigned to the New Republic's Folor Base, training several new starfighter squadrons, including the reformed Rogue Squadron | Rogue SquadronOrganizationRebel Alliance Navy | and his own Defender Wing | Defender WingOrganizationNew Republic | . Despite clashes with Commander Wedge Antilles | Wedge Antilles(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | over Rogue Squadron's lack of discipline, and the presence of Tycho Celchu | Tycho Celchu(Human)CharacterSupporting Characters | - a suspected sleeper agent of the Galactic Empire - as the unit's executive officer, Salm and his Defender Wing worked effectively with Rogue Squadron at the Battle of Vladet and the First Battle of Borleias. Salm was also one of the officers responsible for devising the plan that would eventually cause the planet Borleias to fall to the New Republic. Following the liberation of the galactic capital, Coruscant | CoruscantPlanet | , Salm served as a judge presiding over the trial of Tycho Celchu. Celchu had been charged with treason and the murder of Rogue Squadron pilot Corran Horn | Corran Horn(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | during the operation to capture Coruscant. Salm was surprised to learn that Horn was in fact not dead, but had been captured by Director | Imperial IntelligenceOrganizationGalactic Empire | Ysanne Isard | Ysanne Isard(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | , the ruler of the Empire, and interred aboard the Super Star Destroyer | Super-class Star DestroyerStarshipStarship Models | Lusankya. Briefly resuming training duties, Salm was based at the Borleias starfighter training base before returning to active combat with a B-wing | B-WingStarshipStarfighter Models | assault group for the New Republic's campaign against the Ciutric Hegemony, a former Imperial faction, in 9 ABY.Read more... |
See also |
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Gray SquadronColonelCommander |
Known roles
CommanderGray Squadron |
PilotBTL Y-Wing |
Known for serving on the following ships
BTL Y-WingPilot |
Complete list
Full unit name: Salm, Horton Last updated: 11.07.2024 13:44:08